Dr. Mustafa Aykut is frelancer principal telecommunications advisor and assistant professor.
He started his career as reserch engineer at Turkish Electronics Industry Corporation (TESTAŞ) in 1982. Dr. Aykut joined the Turkish Armed Forces Integrated Communicaticions System (TAFICS) Master Plan Studies in 1986. He has been involved in design, develeopment, implementation and deployments (across the world) works for digital mobile cellular telecommunication systems (GSM, UMTS) at Alcatel and Ericsson in Germany and Sweden from 1986 untill 2003. He worked at various Study and Working Groups of ITU-T, ITU-D, ETSI and 3GPP. Mustafa joined Turkcell as director of Wireless Broadband Technologies and Services Dept. in 2003 and founded and leaded the R&D Center at Turkcell in Turkey in 2006. He has managed engineering groups as large 250 people (now 1500 engineers). During this time Mustafa served as a member of the Executive Management Group and the chairman of the Health Policy WG at GSMA. He has also been an observer of the GSMA Executive Board for 10 years (5 terms). He was the International Affairs and Telecommunications Policy Coordinator at Turk Telecom from 2008 until 2015. Mustafa has started to work as the Regulatory Strategy and Policy head at SAMENA Telecommunications Council in 2015and now is Public Policy and Programs Director. He was the chief advisor for advanced telecommunications technologies for the BoD and CEO of Turkcell between 2015 and 2019. He worked as co-chairperson of the Satellites Technologies Development and Applications Working Group initiated by Turkish Space Agengy in 2021. He serves as ambassador at World Space Sustainability Association (WSSA) Dr. Aykut holds BSc. Degree in EE and MSc and PhD Degrees in CS Depts. He has studied at Middle East Technical University, Hacettepe University and Oslo University.
Dr Aykut is a futurist and the former chairman of the Futurists Association between 2020 and 2022. He is the author of a book titled, “What is left until 2040: The Future through a Futurist’s Eye”. He is a member of the World Future Society, Association of Professional Futurists (APF), international Foresight Educators Group and HundrED Academy. He serves as the co-head of Turkey Node of Millennium Project of Unesco and Director of the Teach The Future Türkiye Hub.