Considering both products and raw materials, our sector is mostly dependent on foreign sources. Imports are the basis of most of the products we produce and offer to the market. Therefore, the exchange rate crisis we have been experiencing recently has deeply affected our entire sector. While some of our companies have stopped their sales, some cannot even predict which product they can sell for how much or how much they can cost. Beyond the rapid depreciation of TL, the fact that the exchange rate could not stabilize, brought the market to a halt.

Our companies are expecting a fixed exchange rate that will get them out of this bottleneck. This situation of our companies, which anxiously await the fluctuations in the exchange rate, also threatens employment. Our expectation is to implement emergency precaution plans that will ensure that money markets stabilize as soon as possible. The mobility of the market is only possible if the future is predictable. The interest of our country comes before all personal interests. As an entire sector, we all look at each other and act in accordance with our state’s actions and discourses, not knowing what to do, and we will continue to do so.