Tüm vatandaşlara eşit yaşam, inanç, eğitim hakkı verdiği; seçme seçilme kanununda kadınlara, Avrupa’daki pek çok ülkeden daha önce oy hakkı kazandırdığı için çok önemlidir Cumhuriyet…

Erkeğin istediği kadar eş almasına müsaade etmediği, tek taraflı boşanmayı kaldırdığı ve kadını da boşanma hakkına kavuşturduğu için çok önemlidir Cumhuriyet…

İnsanın hak ve özürlüğünün seçimle, siyasetle serbestçe tayin edilmesi için,

Özgürce yaşam ve bağımsız yargı için,

Kişi dokunulmazlığı, hürriyeti ve güvenliğimiz için,

Özgürce inanç ve ibadet için, vicdan ve ibadetin ayrışmaması için,

Televizyon ve gazetelerin hür irade ile haber vermesi için,

Toplantı yapmak, grev yapmak, yürüyüş yapmak, hak aramak için Cumhuriyet…

Boş verin tüm bu devrimleri ve size doğru tanıtılmadığı için Mustafa Kemal’i sevmemeye devam edin; ancak unutmayın ki Cumhuriyet, çocuklarınıza borcunuzdur.

Dedelerimiz bölünmüş topraklarımızda emperyalizm ile savaştı, “Vatan! Millet! Sakarya!” dedi ve bu toprakları yeniden özgürlüğüne kavuşturdu.

Olmasaydı ne olurdu?

18 ayrı devlete bölünen Osmanlı, bugün birleşik devletler topluluğunun parçası olurdu.

Her birimiz, en başta İngiltere, Fransa, İtalya ve Amerika gibi emperyalistlerden birinin kuklası olurduk.

  1. yılda Cumhuriyeti kimler kutlamalı?

Özgürce yaşamak ve ibadet etmek isteyenler, bir bayrağın altında gururla “Benim ülkem var” diyenler, her kararın millet iradesi ile alınmasını isteyenler kutlayabilirler.

Kimler kutlamamalı?

Kula kulluk yapmak isteyenler, kadının erkeğin emrine verilmiş varlık olduğunu düşünenler ve modern yaşamın nimetlerinden yararlanmak istemeyenler kutlamasın.

Cumhuriyet tam bir hafta sonra 29 Ekim Pazar günü 100. yılına girecek. Egemenlik, darmaduman olan halkın; ellerinde taşla sopayla, canlarını ortaya koyarak dirilttiği büyük zorluklarla, tam yüz yıl önce kazanılmış, nasıl coşkuyla kutlamayız?

Bunu ecdadımız bize, torunlarına, milletine bayram olarak hediye etmiş nasıl kutlamayız?

100 yıl geçmiş halen emperyalistler dağıtmaya çalışıyor! Dimdik ayaktayız nasıl kutlamayız?

Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yılı kutlu, mutlu ve nice yüzyıllara huzur dolu olsun…

Hayrettin Özaydın

Always Republic, Always IT

We are excited to celebrate Turkey’s 100th anniversary. We have been living independently since October 19, 1923. We will say “Always Republic” and continue to commemorate those who brought this value.

The management style of the countries will be a pioneer in development. Atatürk and his comrades took political steps and convened the parliament after the War of Independence, making politics now a topic of discussion. For integration with the world and development, democracy is of great importance in our private and business lives. The more we observe underdeveloped civilizations, the more we understand the value of our republic and democracy.

Information technologies are the locomotive of our electronics industry. When an electronic product meets informatics, it proves its quality. Informatics is the art of combining the applicability of science with technique. A more successful Turkey will be possible by processing more information and delivering this processed information to more areas.

Countries with rising levels of civilization are those that work in the light of knowledge.

The sale of expensive products in product and service exports is possible by decreasing the weight and increasing the invoice. Producing and selling more technological products and services will mean more prosperity for those who produce them. Achieving a more advanced level of civilization can only be achieved by increasing per capita income and, accordingly, increasing our level of welfare.

Our job is to ensure sustainable sustainable growth in the electronics industry. For this purpose, we always try to make our TUYAD Association members aware of the latest technological trends. We demand and wish that public institutions improve their orientation through NGOs. Specialized institutions will also provide specialization in the development of the private sector. For this purpose, we strive to report our foreign market experiences.

Success will be achieved by developing social awareness towards civilization. It is not enough to just manufacture many products or produce and sell services and earn income. At the same time, it is necessary not to give up on a sustainable ecosystem.

We should also follow Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s environmental awareness, who said, “As long as we protect nature, it protects us.”

There are only a few days left until October 29, 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. I would like to thank the BT Haber team for this beautiful work and wish the great Turkish nation to live proudly with the light of Atatürk for many more 100 years.


Hayrettin Özaydın

TUYAD President


Satellites are also very important for the defense industry.

Turkey is at a point we can be proud of in Defense Industry studies. Apart from war products, intelligence is also of great importance for both special forces and the Turkish Armed Forces. Intelligence is carried out in the fastest, safest and most economical way thanks to satellites.

We saw at the IDEF’23 defense fair that the production and development of so many domestic defense vehicles and weapons in our country in a miraculously short period of time is a great success.

The Defense Industry’s standard products need all kinds of satellites with eco-components. Among the satellite diversity, the most economical satellites for defense and intelligence are close orbit satellites.

Maxar, which you see in the image, also provides the opportunity to plan the near-orbit satellite business from many different angles. It has many duties, especially in the transportation and settlement of constellation satellites. It is expected that the Defense Industry will realize this technology in a short time and create an environment to use it more.

In our new defense plans, constellation satellite logic and intelligence methods should be preferred over low-orbit aircraft. This will enable quicker access to more remote areas and make these economical studies more widespread.

Considering the fact that the Defense Industry will achieve much more success with more intelligence information, it is an indisputable fact that intelligence will be achieved by obtaining and processing audio and video in the best and fastest way.

Therefore, close orbit satellites will fulfill this function without any limits.

It is not difficult to access photos and videos taken from a 60 cm distance focus when viewed from space with Leo satellites. The satellite logic of constellations designed for high-resolution world imaging has become a solution alternative for many countries.

This data, which reaches intelligence centers from satellite ground stations via broadband networks, can be processed very quickly.

The market share of Leo satellites for the defense industry is increasing rapidly day by day. Although medium and far orbit satellites have a very long and costly process from design to commissioning, close orbit Leo satellites are much more economical to own. Of course, its functions are very different, but it is accepted by the world’s military intelligence that it is an efficient tool for intelligence.

There is an ecosystem of close-orbit Leo satellites that I am sure will be very active on the civil and military side. It should be included.

Turkey in the New Generation Satellites Market

Even satellites now serve the end user and new markets have been created. Easier management of satellite communications, function, and mission with near-orbit satellites has enabled individuals to access the satellite. This situation caused many companies working in the electronics industry to shift their attention and commercial tendencies in this direction.

Turkey, especially as the gateway of technology to the Middle East, will undertake many tasks in satellite manufacturing, launch and ground station works.

Turkey’s satellite market in near orbit will greatly increase significantly. In the first step, it is not about what the satellite is for or what sensors it is tasked with; the steps for countries that do not have satellites to acquire satellites and then develop in this regard will begin with the purchase of satellites.

While close and medium orbit satellites still provide benefits in navigation systems, mapping and intelligence, in the future, according to the prediction of the whole world, the role of satellites will be great, especially in wars. Satellite wars will be the main satellite acquisition issues for all countries, especially the MENA region countries neighboring Turkey.

Although studies on near orbit were initially initiated by TURKSAT, companies such as Planet, Gümüş Space, Hello Space and Küpsat, which are located in Istanbul Technical University, other universities and the private sector and started to make a name for themselves, accelerated their work.

Increasing government support for high-tech products will be a positive factor. Our companies such as Profen, Ctech, Neta, Panod, which currently produce and process high technology and develop technology in this direction, will take important steps in domestic national satellite manufacturing with the State Industrialist Cooperation.

What is being done in Turkey in near orbit will become clearer at the TURKSAT workshop. The workshop, which will be held at the Ankara ATO building on October 18-19, will host close orbit satellite studies carried out only within Turkey. You can see the details at www.simdi.turksat.com.tr.

Turkey has achieved growth in the satellite sector, employment creation and awareness in mass satellite manufacturing. This awareness has occurred not only in the manufacturing of the satellite, but also in the launch.

In the near future, Turkish Electronics Industry will have a strong structure regarding near-orbit satellite studies.

With its decision to take part in space programs, Turkey draws attention to the difference and importance of the concepts of satellite and space. The embargoes that countries where the technology exists still impose on many countries make the market even more important.

Studies carried out in near, medium and far orbits will not only guide strategic planning but also provide great benefits to the country’s economy.

All these studies not only serve agriculture, settlement detection, image supply, disaster, fire detection and earthquake simulations for humanity, but they also simultaneously contain threats with the development of the use of war techniques in this field.

Turkey is participating in the satellite market very quickly and effectively. It is announced to those who will invest and those who are interested in the subject.



We are constantly seeking innovation, but are we ready? No one asks!

The biggest problem of technology is its constant renewal and involuntary growth.

Future growth forecasts for the telecommunication services market, IPTV, internet telephone services and e-commerce trends cannot be made.

However, the market is always moving towards the highest level of technology. No one asks if we are prepared. While we are always chasing the newest, laws and regulations follow us.

The people who are socially and economically ready for this are very limited, but renewal and consumption continue unabated.

As technological innovations continue to gain momentum, the benefits and costs of technologies that will continue to be important and redefine the new normal are not questioned.

We have already started talking about 6G before the infrastructure and superstructure studies of 5G and the adaptation processes of the devices are completed. This also reminds us that we do not use technology economically. Constantly renewed technology keeps the market vigorous, but no one asks whether tradesmen, consumers and regulation are ready for this.

6G equipment started to be designed. While even tube televisions are still gaining market share in our country, the economic benefits and costs of 6G should be investigated.

The economics of increasing Gs will force network operators to increase infrastructure investments. Fiber infrastructure in our country is still not even at a medium level. Increasing G’s will mean a simultaneous increase in virtualization. It does not seem possible for the consumer to reach conscious seller solutions in a short time.

It is also evident that tradesmen cannot receive appropriate training even for existing electronic products and cannot become employees trained from below.

Many companies around the world may have advanced virtual technology capabilities. However, we should try to use the technologies we have with diversity as in America. The constant supply of the latest technology and equipment also means that our country’s national existence is constantly becoming waste, and consumption puts a strain on the economy.

Satellite broadband and IoT networks should be developed at the highest level without underestimating them, and should also be offered as a service to the state as a social project. Conscious usage regulations should be implemented to ensure that new technologies do not mean constant growth and constant consumption.

Offering satellite-based IoT solutions to the service of the industry and simultaneously providing training to the sector through NGOs and Chambers by experts in the field should be continuous.

The limits of internet-based television, phone calls and video sharing are still unclear, and they are always tried to be regulated later with criminal sanctions. It would be much wiser for the entire industry and consumers to keep the codes of practice at an applicable level instead of penalties.

In summary, we love technology and innovations and we get used to them quickly, but we cannot receive and provide fully equipped training for the new. Ensuring that the place of use is preserved instead of completely removing and throwing away the old one will economically support our country’s gross national product. The technology to be used must first be well understood by the service providers.

America, the technology giant that the world takes as an example, still uses 110 volt electricity, 2G technology is widespread and trams serve on the roads.

“Neden Çocuk?” Has Taken Its Place on the Shelves

Hayrettin Özaydın’s book, “Why a Child?”, contains many questions about life. It took its place on the shelves with the label Kitap Kulübü Yayınları. While Özaydın explains that he started out with the question “How satisfied are you with the world you live in?”, he advises his readers, “They should read it before saying ‘I wish’.”

Hayrettin Özaydın spoke at the introductory meeting held with members of the press and explained that he discussed the question of why we want to have children. He said, “The voice I hear most in every environment is the voice of a child. As a result of long efforts, new individuals are brought to life. I wonder how satisfied these individuals are with their parents? And you? How satisfied are you with the world you live in?”

“Why do you want to have children?”

Özaydın stated that during the writing process of the book, he sought an answer to the question “Why do you want to have children?” by talking to his family, social and professional circle, and people he did not know. He said that he always encountered cliché answers such as: “I want to have a family”, “I want a piece of me to remain in the world”, “I want to keep my surname”, “I want to add meaning to my life”, “To meet social pressure”, “To save my marriage”. Özaydın argued that none of these justifications would ensure the peace and happiness of neither the parents nor the newborn child. He added the following to his sentences, “When you take the time to stop and think and listen to your own voice without fear, you will understand that there is only one reason and only you will be able to know it.”

“Why don’t you experience the sacredness of adoption?”

Writer Hayrettin Özaydın pointed out that even basic needs such as eating, drinking, shelter and socialization are difficult to access today. He asked, “What is the reason for bringing new children into this world at a time when individuals sometimes have internal struggles such as ‘why am I here, what am I doing?’. Özaydın said, “Why don’t you choose to be a new home for orphaned children who are longingly waiting for their new families in the relevant institutions? Or why don’t you consider becoming a foster family for children who are with their families but cannot lead a decent life due to financial difficulties? Why don’t you experience the sacredness of adoption?”

Proceeds from the book will be donated to the Child Psychology Association

Özaydın stated that all proceeds of the book were donated to the Child Psychology Association. He said that “Neden Çocuk?” will bring a new perspective and broaden the horizons of everyone who wants to have children.

Chambers and unions are of great importance in solving the problems of tradesmen

As in every sector, there are non-governmental organizations in the electronics sector that exist to defend the rights of tradesmen and industrialists and to facilitate their work. Unfortunately, people who work in organizations such as associations, chambers and unions continue their duties for many years. In fact, with change, new managers will ensure that new ideas come to life. The selection and change of new people during election periods will be good for our entire sector.

There is a telecommunications committee in the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and it has been managed by the same people for years. I also took part there for a period, representing TUYAD Association. Despite this, the structure actually continues with the same person and people always existing. Unfortunately, for this reason, the service to the sector is not at the desired level.

We receive news that the same people are always re-elected in the Chamber of Artisans’ elections or their affiliated unions. Without questioning the reason, we continue to complain and regret about services that cannot be provided. NGOs within the Ministry of Internal Affairs are civil society movements that protect the rights of sectoral tradesmen. Candidate members are elected and serve according to the vote rate on the election day, according to the rules of the election system. If you think you are not receiving service, be sure to vote in the elections of the chamber, union or association you are affiliated with and become a candidate if necessary. Be a manager for a while, and then you will have the right to complain. Otherwise, you will have to accept that only people who are used to the same position and even make it their job are there and will always be there.

Unfortunately, not only in Istanbul but throughout our country, the heads of our Electronic Chambers are always the same person. Even though they sometimes use different names in the management, we always see the same person as the president in the end.

Unfortunately, in these days when our tradesmen are going through the most difficult times, our chamber presidents need to do their duties with new ideas and solution suggestions instead of habits. Otherwise, members who remain only within the dues mechanism have to believe that their duty is to pay dues and that the managers will always stay in the rooms only with their business cards.

You can aspire to govern the chamber you are affiliated with in the elections held every three years. Don’t think that once you become a candidate, all your work will be channeled here. There are already professional staff, you will only convey your ideas and the wisdom you receive from the industry in meetings held once or twice a month. You’re not going anywhere anyway, so spending time drinking a coffee will be enough. 

META could be your luck or your nightmare!

Your META datastore can be a risky investment.

You should be very careful when choosing your platform. Which metaverse will deliver greater returns? Which will be more efficient; real estate or commodity money? Can your investments be stored safely?

Metaverse land and crypto are just some of the ways future tech enthusiasts can invest in the next digital frontier. It should not be forgotten that there are much more risks when investing.

He is an entity that can access all your data by having all your passwords. How can you trust META, which is under the management of only one company, when you don’t even fully trust yourself?

Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Messenger are all under the control of a single company, and their users’ personal data is at greater risk, especially through social networks.

Unfortunately, META hacker robots, which are not talked about much today, will put our lives at permanent risks. META crushing robots are a candidate to be our never-ending nightmare.

Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft rely on and support network effects. The reason is that they are META’s project partner. Remember, the most valuable asset of all is data. They need to get inside us for data, and the easiest way to do this is the virtual world.

META stocks like crypto are great sources of profit. However, it should be well known which one works correctly. Buying Metaverse stock with ads will put many investors in a difficult position.

META, which will concern at least one in ten people in the near future, will take life and earnings to very different dimensions.

META, which includes many things such as games, objects and investments, can actually be called the touch of the virtual world on human life.

If you want your rights to be protected, do not take part in any META that does not have regulation, data center and tax payment system in your country.


TV viewing options are in four ways: terrestrial, satellite, cable and internet. With the Internet becoming widespread and accessible, OTT (Over The Top), the most comfortable of the options, has become more preferred.

OTT is defined as watching media, all kinds of content and images over the internet without cables and antennas. Of course, your television must be compatible with this and remain compatible for a long time. The most well-known operating system in this regard, that is, the tool that allows you to watch broadcasts on your television without any problems, is the Android system. Google developed this system and offered it to our service, but it is not very innocent, in fact it contains a lot of commercial income.

Its rival, IOS, works more widely on mobile. While IOS is preferred for display on mobile phones, Android is preferred on televisions. When purchasing a television, it is necessary to carefully investigate whether the software hidden in it is licensed. In other words, a television produced by a company that has an agreement with Google should be purchased. Otherwise, future software updates may cause your broadcasts to become unwatchable and your television to become inactive.

Internet television has become more prominent with the proliferation of platforms. There are movies and TV series shot only for the internet. Now there are movies that we watch whenever we want and leave them unfinished and continue later. This comfort is only possible with internet TV.

Now, we will have much faster internet with fiber internet and 5G, the preparations for which have been completed in mobile.

The internet, which is still at the top of TV viewing options, is also the leader in platform subscriptions. This situation does not change both in our country and all over the world.

It is expected that all platforms will be broadcasting on the Internet in the next decade.

5G will be at least 100 times faster than the internet speed we use now, even in the worst geographical situation. Thus, we will have the opportunity to watch 4K, 8K and even 16K images in a very short time. So, high-speed internet will usher in a revolution in video streaming quality.

Media giants and the most well-known cinema companies will find a place on internet TV. We can see the closest examples to this with the applications that appear as shortcuts on our smart televisions.

With Smart TV, we will simultaneously get used to smart solutions at home. TV will become the operating system of the home. The entire electronic and electrical system will be managed by Google assistant with voice command. If you don’t want to miss this, definitely check whether there is a Google license when buying a smart TV. It is not very difficult to research this, the brand’s license can be queried on Google. As an easier way, you can ask us, TUYAD.

Viewer habits and TV viewing ratings can also be reported very easily from here. National channels are the service of governments all over the world to show the society as a social project. While subscription is required for other encrypted broadcasts and premium content, FREE IPTV broadcasts are offered to you without password and free of charge, through the simple application of your TV manufacturer.

When you think of OTT platforms, do not only think of internationally known ones. Each country’s own existing broadcast bundles transfer their services to the internet over time and are primarily preferred there. This also happened in Turkey. Although Netflix had an overwhelming subscriber advantage at the beginning, the local BluTV quickly became the leader.

OTT is a leader in many aspects such as broadcast quality, content placement and management.

In 2022 and beyond, the content industry will be faster and of higher quality. Platforms that cannot do this are in danger of disappearing and being left far behind.

OTT will mean the most economical use of the internet, offering not only images but also music, smart data collection and smart solutions simultaneously.



Close Orbit Satellites and Their Effects on Earth

Airtel-backed One Web, which is preparing to sell broadband internet from India to the world via near-orbit satellites, is following Starlink.

One Web, a global communications company that aims to provide broadband high-speed internet directly to individuals via satellite, launched 36 more satellites today, increasing the total number of satellites in space to 394. It will provide high-speed, low-latency global connectivity with a fleet of low-orbit LEO satellites.

It states that it plans to launch global service by the end of 2022. This technology will be talked about a lot in the coming years.

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications are still unregulated. The regulatory approval requirement is of interest to those looking to place satellites in orbit.

There have been quite a few launches lately from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Thousands of low orbit satellites start their space journey from here.

Satellites in Earth orbit are increasing day by day. While an average of hundreds of satellites were launched a year until ten years ago, 21,000 satellites were launched in the last two years.

Since August this year, nearly 2,000 new satellites have orbited the Earth to serve humanity.

The biggest factor in the increase in these numbers is small satellites. Thanks to their easy access to orbit, concerns about space debris increase as low Earth orbit becomes more crowded, as does the possibility of an actual collision. Simultaneously, space is filling up to become a massive garbage dump. Not only large satellite parts, but even a single screw can have the ability to cause a lot of damage in space. Millions of pieces and so much scrap.

America, Russia and China are struggling the most to be here. India plans to go after them, and they are the ones who remain silent the most regarding regulation in low orbits. It should not be forgotten that thousands of these small satellites are planned to be launched with a rocket in the coming years, perhaps even by the end of 2022. Even such a possibility will give humanity the chance to gain fast and ubiquitous internet and more data. But what about the destruction it creates in space and the damage that will be caused by the smallest pieces of scrap it will drop on Earth?