Girdi yapan Hayrettin Özaydın


Tüm vatandaşlara eşit yaşam, inanç, eğitim hakkı verdiği; seçme seçilme kanununda kadınlara, Avrupa’daki pek çok ülkeden daha önce oy hakkı kazandırdığı için çok önemlidir Cumhuriyet… Erkeğin istediği kadar eş almasına müsaade etmediği, tek taraflı boşanmayı kaldırdığı ve kadını da boşanma hakkına kavuşturduğu için çok önemlidir Cumhuriyet… İnsanın hak ve özürlüğünün seçimle, siyasetle serbestçe tayin edilmesi […]

Always Republic, Always IT

We are excited to celebrate Turkey’s 100th anniversary. We have been living independently since October 19, 1923. We will say “Always Republic” and continue to commemorate those who brought this value. The management style of the countries will be a pioneer in development. Atatürk and his comrades took political steps and convened the parliament after […]

Satellites are also very important for the defense industry.

Turkey is at a point we can be proud of in Defense Industry studies. Apart from war products, intelligence is also of great importance for both special forces and the Turkish Armed Forces. Intelligence is carried out in the fastest, safest and most economical way thanks to satellites. We saw at the IDEF’23 defense fair […]

Turkey in the New Generation Satellites Market

Even satellites now serve the end user and new markets have been created. Easier management of satellite communications, function, and mission with near-orbit satellites has enabled individuals to access the satellite. This situation caused many companies working in the electronics industry to shift their attention and commercial tendencies in this direction. Turkey, especially as the […]

We are constantly seeking innovation, but are we ready? No one asks!

The biggest problem of technology is its constant renewal and involuntary growth. Future growth forecasts for the telecommunication services market, IPTV, internet telephone services and e-commerce trends cannot be made. However, the market is always moving towards the highest level of technology. No one asks if we are prepared. While we are always chasing the […]

“Neden Çocuk?” Has Taken Its Place on the Shelves

Hayrettin Özaydın’s book, “Why a Child?”, contains many questions about life. It took its place on the shelves with the label Kitap Kulübü Yayınları. While Özaydın explains that he started out with the question “How satisfied are you with the world you live in?”, he advises his readers, “They should read it before saying ‘I […]

Chambers and unions are of great importance in solving the problems of tradesmen

As in every sector, there are non-governmental organizations in the electronics sector that exist to defend the rights of tradesmen and industrialists and to facilitate their work. Unfortunately, people who work in organizations such as associations, chambers and unions continue their duties for many years. In fact, with change, new managers will ensure that new […]

META could be your luck or your nightmare!

Your META datastore can be a risky investment. You should be very careful when choosing your platform. Which metaverse will deliver greater returns? Which will be more efficient; real estate or commodity money? Can your investments be stored safely? Metaverse land and crypto are just some of the ways future tech enthusiasts can invest in […]


TV viewing options are in four ways: terrestrial, satellite, cable and internet. With the Internet becoming widespread and accessible, OTT (Over The Top), the most comfortable of the options, has become more preferred. OTT is defined as watching media, all kinds of content and images over the internet without cables and antennas. Of course, your […]

Close Orbit Satellites and Their Effects on Earth

Airtel-backed One Web, which is preparing to sell broadband internet from India to the world via near-orbit satellites, is following Starlink. One Web, a global communications company that aims to provide broadband high-speed internet directly to individuals via satellite, launched 36 more satellites today, increasing the total number of satellites in space to 394. It […]